Below is information on NJIT Parking
- Introduction
- Authority and Liability
- Rules and Regulations
- Vehicle Registration Information
- NJIT Parking Map
- NJIT Parking Hang Tags
- Daily Parking Vouchers
- Temporary Parking Permits
- Handicap Parking
- Overnight Parking
- Greek Way Numbered Spaces
- Motorcycle Parking
- Disabled/Abandoned Vehicles
- Sold or Traded Vehicles
- Lost or Stolen Hang Tags
- University Citations & Appeals
- Municipal Summons & Appeals
- Towing
- Reporting of Accidents/Theft
- Summer Parking Information
- Parking at NJIT@JerseyCity
Rules and Regulations pertaining to traffic and parking on campus are necessary to establish safe driving conditions and the orderly parking of vehicles. The University administration fully recognizes the difficulties of this task and has sought every means possible to develop traffic and parking regulations that are reasonable.
A committee has been established in order to review all traffic and parking regulations. This committee is comprised of representatives from the student body, faculty and staff, and public safety. The main objective is to keep the regulations current, effective and fair for the entire campus community.
The active participation of each member of the university community is necessary to make this policy effective.
Authority and Liability
The governing body of any institution of higher education academy, school or other institution of learning may appoint such persons as the governing body may designate to act as Police Officers for the institution.
Under the direction of the Senior Vice President for Administration, the Director of Public Safety is empowered to decide traffic and parking matters not covered by the written policy. The Director of Public Safety shall consult with the University Parking Committee in the development of policy and procedures governing traffic and parking matters.
The University assumes no liability or responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents parked in University parking areas or facilities.
Rules and Regulations
All vehicles parking within jurisdictional areas must be registered with the Parking Services Department and display a valid permit. Parking on University property is a privilege that may be withdrawn for noncompliance with regulations.
All University lots are designated for specific types of usage during normal hours (i.e. Student, Faculty and Staff, Visitor, Reserved Parking). Vehicles must display appropriate types of parking permits in order to park in restricted lots. Students may not park in Faculty and Staff lots and visa-versa.
While parking on University lots, only marked stalls may be used. A summons may be issued for parking outside of marked stalls or for “creating a space”. When a legitimate parking space is unavailable, try an alternate lot.
All signs and markings are in the interests of parking control and safety, and must be obeyed under penalty of citation and/or towing at owner’s expense. Removal or damage of such signs or markings is illegal; violators are subject to arrest and prosecution. Vehicles parked in NO PARKING ZONES are subject to ticketing/towing. NO PARKING ZONES include yellow curbed areas, driveways, sidewalks, handicapped ramps, fire zones and other designated areas.
The speed limit in NJIT’s lots and the Parking Garage has been restricted to 10 miles per hour. Persons exceeding the posted speed limit may receive a Newark Municipal Court Traffic Violation summons’.
The University reserves the right to close any parking area or roadway for reasons of repair, safety, and other instances as needed. Vehicles parked within such areas closed by barricades, signs, or notification may be towed at owner’s expense.
Storing a vehicle on University property for personal reasons is prohibited. A permitted vehicle is in violation if parked on University property while its registrant/driver is engaged in non-University business. Any exception requires approval from the Department of Public Safety.
No University property may be used as “park and ride” for commuting by public transportation without the knowledge and expressed consent of the Public Safety Department. During extended recess periods, owners may not use University parking lots to store their vehicles. Any exception requires approval from the Department of Public Safety. Notes of explanation left on vehicles to avoid citations will not be honored.
Certain lots utilize card access controlled gates. Restrictions in gated lots remain in effect at all times, even when gate arms are in the “up” position or in need of repair. ID cards which may inadvertently operate gates should not be used unless your vehicle has been properly registered.
A parking permit guarantees neither a specific parking space nor availability, and parking privileges may be modified or preempted as required throughout the year. The number of spaces on Campus is limited. Inability to locate a legal parking space will not excuse a parking violation.
Vehicle Registration Information
Each vehicle, to be considered and allowed to park on campus, must be registered with NJIT's Parking Services Department. All vehicles must bear a valid hangtag or temporary dashboard permit which must be visibly displayed whenever the vehicle is parked on campus. Failure to properly display parking permits, though a vehicle may be properly registered, may result in the issuance of a summons.
Faculty and Staff members who are also attending classes at NJIT should register their vehicles as faculty and staff. If there are any questions as to faculty and staff status, please contact the Parking Services Department.
Registration Mailings:
Vehicle registration mailings are conducted in August and again in November of each year. Failure to receive registration material by mail does not exonerate faculty and staff members from properly registering their vehicles each semester. Walk-in registration material is available at the Parking Services Department. At that time, a Faculty/Staff hang tag and brief instructions will be issued.
Automatic Registration:
Faculty and Staff who are registered during the fall semester will be automatically registered in the spring semester. There is no need to fill out forms or report to the Parking Services Department.
Faculty/staff may register more than one vehicle, but may not register any vehicle owned by a non-related student or faculty and staff member. Also, faculty and staff are requested to refrain from allowing their related family members and friends to utilize their parking privileges to park in faculty and staff areas.
FACULTY/STAFF Parking fees:
Parking fees are based on contractual agreements with your union representative and the university. If your contract agreement is pending, the previous valid agreement will still apply. Please consult your collective agreement if you are not familiar with your rate or contact the Department of Human Resource Development and Labor Relations at (973) 596-8383. Non-aligned personnel parking fees are in accordance with university policy.
Faculty / Staff parking fees are exempt from the State of New Jersey parking sales tax.
The University parking fee policy was updated beginning with the September 11, 2015 pay. Employees affected include: non-aligned staff, employees of consenting bargaining units, adjuncts, hourly and temporary staff, and NJII employees. Under a new fee structure, the parking fee will be assessed at 0.4% of an employee’s annual salary. For more information please see "Employee Parking Fees".
Reserved Grand person spaces:
Parking Level 1 (lower level) of the East Building is reserved for grand-person faculty and staff parking. A special parking permit is issued to authorize parking in this area. All other persons parked in this lot will be subject to ticketing & towing at the owner’s expense.
Sharing of Reserved Spaces:
The authorized sharing of reserved spaces with other registered faculty and staff members is allowed upon proper request. All parties, however, are required to register their vehicles in the ordinary fashion before any requests are accepted. Forms are available at the Parking Services Department.
PSA Faculty & Lecturers Reserved Spaces:
Per Contractual agreement between PSA and the University, sixty (60) parking spaces in the lower level of the Summit Street Parking Deck (PARK) are reserved for use of full-time Faculty Members and Lecturers in the PSA bargaining unit who are registered for parking. All other persons parked in these marked stalls will be subject to ticketing & towing at the owner's expense. Eligible PSA faculty and lecturers with titles: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Distinguished Professor, University Lecturer and Senior University Lecturer must obtain and display a valid "PSA Reserved" parking tag in order to park in these spaces. These PSA Reserved tags are also valid for use in other faculty/staff parking spaces on campus including: PARK, STPG, Lots 5, 7, 10, 12 & Fenster Hall parking level 2.
Only NJIT students who are registered for classes are allowed parking privileges. Non-NJIT students may not apply for NJIT parking. Rutgers and Essex County Students should report to their individual schools for parking information.
Parking Registration:
Please register your vehicle(s) before the start of each semester on-line via the NJIT Vehicle Registration Web Site. Once you have registered your vehicle(s), a parking hangtag and brief instructions will be returned to you by mail. Late registration may make it impossible to return your hangtag by mail in time for the semester. If do not receive your hang tag by the first day of classes, report to the Parking Services Department in order to pick it up in person.
Students may register a maximum of two vehicles, but may not register any vehicle owned by a non-related student or faculty and staff member. Also, students are requested to refrain from allowing their related family members and friends the use of their parking privileges.
Walk-in Registration:
Students must refrain from registering their vehicles in person. Please access the vehicle registration system via the NJIT web site.
Upon registering your vehicle, charges to your student account will be made in accordance to your on-campus residence status and the number of credits in which you are registered at the time. There is no need to come in to the office. A parking permit for the semester will be mailed to the address you specify. If you wish to receive the permit at a different address, please be sure to enter it in the designated location.
Parking fees for each semester are $325 for full-time commuter students (12 or more credits), $182 for part-time commuter students (less than 12 credits) and $490 for all on-campus and greek village resident students each semester. These fees are not included in regular campus or class fees.
Any adjustments to your fee to reflect course load changes will automatically be made by the Bursar on the fifth day of each semester. Your student account will be credited or charged as appropriate. Any course changes made after the fifth day will not reflect a change in parking charges.
Refunds will be granted upon written request until the fifth day of each semester. Address all requests to the Parking Services Department (131 Summit Street). Enclose your permit and include your name, student ID number and reason for request. Your student account will be credited. No refunds will be granted after the fifth day of each semester.
Commuter students are subject to the State of New Jersey sales tax (currently at 6.625%). Commuter students are those students who do not reside in on-campus housing. The sales tax is not, and should not be considered to be, a fee imposed by NJIT. It will be remitted in its entirety to the State of New Jersey.
NJIT Parking Maps
Click here for the campus parking map.
NJIT Parking Hang Tags
General Information
NJIT parking hang tags are used to identify registered vehicles while on campus. Hang tags should be placed on rear view mirrors with the serial number facing out so that it can be read from the outside of the vehicle. Failure to properly display hang tags while parked on campus may result in issuance of a Newark Municipal Summons and possible towing at the owner’s expense.
Transferring Hang Tags
Only one NJIT parking hang tag will be issued per registrant. If multiple vehicles have been registered, this hang tag should be transferred between vehicles as they are used. Forgetting to transfer your hang tag to the registered vehicle in which you are using may result in issuance of a Newark Municipal Summons and possible towing at the owner’s expense even if the vehicle is properly registered. If you do forget to transfer your hang tag, report to the Parking Services Department and obtain a temporary dashboard permit before you park your vehicle on campus.
Do not transfer your hang tag to any non-registered vehicle. If a new vehicle has been purchased, simply register the new vehicle with via the NJIT Web Site.
Sharing of Hang Tags
NJIT parking hang tags may not be shared for any reason. If a valid hang tag is found on a non-registered vehicle, that car may be issued a University Summons. Parking privileges for all parties involved will also be revoked without refund.
Falsifying NJIT parking permits constitutes fraud punishable by fine, parking privilege revocation, and/or expulsion.
Daily Parking Vouchers
NJIT students, faculty and staff who require parking on an occasional basis may purchase daily parking. Daily parking vouchers are available for purchase as follows (all pricing includes sales tax and fees):
- In person Bursar Window QR code vouchers, $8.00
- In lane Credit Card Payment Kiosk at Science & Technology Park Garage, 42 Wilsey Street only, $8.00
- Online QR code passes via Highlander Pipeline/Daily Parking by Spothero, $7.99
Daily parking has been enhanced with QR code scanners to accommodate those who are participating in converged learning. Daily parking is intended for those who will be parking on campus occasionally and does not allow for multiple entries per day. Those who are regularly parking on campus are encouraged to purchase a semester's parking permit which will allow for unlimited entry for the entire semester. See for more details on permit tags.
NJIT photo ID may be required at time of entry. Please have your photo ID card available at the time of entry. No overnight parking is allowed with any of the daily parking options. Violators will be subject to ticketing and towing. If you have questions about daily parking, please contact the NJIT parking office at 973.642.7190 or visit us on-line at
Temporary Parking Permits
Temporary dashboard parking permits are available in the event a registered employee or student must park a vehicle which is not registered on campus (i.e. rental car or borrowed vehicle). Permits may be obtained at the Parking Services Department.
Handicap Parking
There are, throughout the campus, an adequate number of handicapped parking spaces. These spaces are reserved for vehicles bearing special license plates and/or permits issued by a state motor vehicle department or a local municipality. Vehicles parked in these spaces without an appropriate permit will be subject to a significant fine and towing at all times without further notice. Please note that you must purchase an NJIT Parking permit to use these spaces.
Overnight Parking
Hours of operation for NJIT parking lots are 6:45 AM to 10:00 PM. Overnight parking is only permitted in the parking deck (on levels 1, 5, 6, 7 & 8 - No overnight parking on levels 2, 3 & 4 from 1:00 AM to 5:00 AM, Monday-Friday) and in the Science & Technology Parking Garage(STPG). NOTE: STARTING SPRING 2025 AT STPG NO OVERNIGHT PARKING ON LEVELS 1 THRU 3 (1:00AM TO 5:00AM) MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. A valid NJIT parking hang tag is required.
Only resident students, faculty, staff and NJIT Greek Way residents who purchase a parking permit will be permitted to park overnight on campus. See for more information.
NJIT overnight parking is restricted to resident life students, faculty/staff on official business and visitors to NJIT that have obtained an overnight parking pass or approval.
Sleeping overnight (or for extended periods of time) in vehicles on NJIT property is prohibited. If you require shelter, food or other assistance please call New Jersey Social Services for the Homeless at 2-1-1.
Greek Way Numbered Spaces
NJIT Greek Village Parking Pass
1. These passes are distributed by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. If lost please contact the staff member in that office for a replacement. There will be a $10 fee for any replacements.
2. All vehicles parking within jurisdictional areas (which includes Greek Way) must be registered with the Parking Services Department and display a valid permit at all times. Parking on University property is a privilege that may be withdrawn for noncompliance with regulations.
3. You may only park in the numbered space that corresponds with the number on the pass.
4. Greek Way parking is not intended for long-term parking situations.
5. NJIT reserves the right to close down Greek Way for parking for weather-related situations and major campus events (ex. Block Party, Ceremonies, NJIT Day, etc.) with proper notification to the residents.
6. The parking deck should be used as an alternative parking location for Greek Way.
7. Parking on Greek Way is at your own risk. The University assumes no liability or responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents parked in University parking areas or facilities.
8. It is the responsibility of each house to monitor their own spaces. Should you identify someone parked in your space that is not authorized to do so, please call public safety to report this at 973-596-3116.
9. Greek Village parking passes are valid for only one academic year. Pass must be surrendered to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life by the last day of finals in the spring semester. Spaces will be redistributed every year.
Motorcyle Parking
Motorcycles must be registered with NJIT's Parking Services Department. They should park in regular parking spaces (not in hashed areas or sidewalks). Parking permits do not need to be displayed on motorcycles to avoid getting them stolen.
Disabled/Abandoned Vehicles
If disabled vehicles cannot be removed and will remain beyond 10:00 P.M., it must be reported to the Public Safety Department.
Abandoned vehicles on campus grounds will be removed at the owner's expense.
Circumstances permitting, the Public Safety Department will attempt to assist University personnel requiring a jump start of their vehicles, or in a lock-out situation. However, neither the Public Safety Department, nor the University, shall assume responsibility for damages or liability.
Sold or Traded Vehicles
Hang Tags should be removed from sold or traded vehicles so that they may be used on newly acquired vehicles. Replacement vehicles must be registered with the Parking Services Department. Failure to register your new vehicle may result in the issuance of a Municipal Summons.
Failure to remove your hang tag from sold or traded vehicles will require the registrant to purchase a new hang tag at a rate proportional to the remaining number of weeks in the semester.
Lost or Stolen Hang Tags
If your hang tag is lost or stolen, report the incident immediately so that the missing hang tag can be deactivated. A replacement hang tag may be purchased at a price that is prorated to the remaining number of weeks in the semester.
University Citations & Appeals
University citations may be issued by those NJIT employees, including Police Officers and Public Safety Officers, as authorized by the Director of Public Safety.
Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day throughout the year. The registrant of a vehicle is responsible for all violations of University regulations identified with that vehicle, including when the vehicle is operated by another person. The violations attributable to a vehicle without an NJIT permit are the liability of the state-registered owner of the vehicle, and penalties may be applied to associated students or employees if citations remain unanswered.
University citations are $50.00 per violation. An email notification will be sent out to offenders within 24 hours of the citation being issued. Offenders must make the required payment or enter an appeal within 10 days of the citation issue date as follows.
Payment Procedure:
- Go to the NJIT parking portal at:
- Search the Citation Number or your Plate Number
- Add the citation(s) into your shopping basket
- Click on the shopping basket icon at the top of the screen to select PAY NOW
- Complete the payment process screens
Appeals Procedure:
- Go to the NJIT parking portal at:
- Select LOGIN at the top of the screen
- Select NJIT login (if an active student or employee) or select Guest Login
- View or Search your citation(s)
- Select APPEAL and complete the appeal process screens
- Include a detailed explanation and any supporting evidence including photos, receipts, etc
- You will receive an email notification on the appeal results within 30 days of the appeal
If not settled within 30 days, additional enforcement may occur including but not limited to:
- Bursar accounts charges that may result in transcript, registration, or graduation holds
- Municipal summons issuance that may result in a bench warrant or driver license suspension
- Escalation thru the Dean of Students officer or Human Resources
- Booting or towing of your vehicle
To ensure efficient adjudication of University parking and traffic violations, a University Parking and Traffic Citations Appeals Board has been established. The Board is composed of a single representative from the student, faculty and administrative bodies.
The Board will convene regularly throughout the school year, depending upon the volume of appeals.
The University Parking and Traffic Appeals Board operates pursuant to the rights of due process. The appeals board decision will be sent via email. The Appeals Board is the final parking and traffic appeal within the University.
If the citation is upheld by the Board, the fine must be paid within 30 days of the citation issue date. No delinquency charge will be assessed, nor must the fine be paid while the appeal is pending.
Municipal Summons & Appeals
Municipal Summons may be issued by NJIT Police Officers for violations requiring removal of vehicles as well as any other serious violations.
Appeals Procedure: If you wish to plead not guilty to an offense charged in a Municipal Summons and complaint, please notify the Municipal Court Administrator at the address given on the summons. Fines and penalties are assessed according to existing Municipal schedule of fines. Please do not return Municipal Court summons to the Public Safety Department for Adjudication.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of these regulations constitutes a hindrance to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and may be removed by any NJIT Police Officer at the owner’s expense and risk of loss or damage.
The owner shall pay the costs of removal and/or storage which may result from such removal as specified above before regaining possession of the vehicle. Neither the Public Safety Department, nor the University, shall assume responsibility for damages or liability incurred as a result of removal.
If you suspect your vehicle has been towed, contact the Department of Public Safety for assistance.
Reporting of Accidents/Theft
If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, break-in or theft in the vicinity of the NJIT campus, you should report the incident to a Police Officer at the Department of Public Safety as soon as possible.
Summer Parking Information
There is no need to register your vehicle for on-campus parking during the summer months. You may use your existing NJIT Photo Identification Card to access most parking lot gates. Non photo ID card holders can access the Summit Street Parking Deck, (located at 154 Summit Street) or the STPG Parking Deck (located at 42 Wilsey Street) by using the intercom button which is located on the card access panel or by scanning a free summer student QR code that is distributed each summer via NJIT email addresses. Please contact the parking office if you need a QR code or if you have any questions.
Parking at NJIT at Jersey City
It is strongly recommend that students traveling to NJIT's Jersey City location use public transportation. If you do require parking at the Jersey City location, please see the NJIT at Jersey City FAQ webpage at which describes parking options there. Please note that parking permits for NJIT’s Newark campus are not valid for parking at NJIT at Jersey City.